Ukraine-Russia News: Ukraine is making gains against Russia

September 13, 2022

Ukraine-Russia News: Ukraine is making gains against Russia

The invasion of Ukraine by Russia is turning into a bigger mess than expected for Moscow. The world is waiting for Russian President Vladimir Putin’s next move. Continue reading the latest Ukraine-Russia News.

In recent weeks, the Ukrainian military has made some interesting gains. The past few days saw this momentum grow as Ukrainian forces broke through Russian lines.

While it may be too early for Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to celebrate, his military has shown that it can go toe to toe with the much-stronger rival.

The Western Alliance is hoping for a complete Russian retreat from Ukraine. However, such a scenario may not take shape for a long time because Russia remains an unpredictable opponent.

Ukraine-Russia News

Ukrainian forces recapture kilometers of land

President Zelensky has revealed that Ukrainian troops have recaptured 6,000 square kilometers of land in the past two weeks. Those gains concern the eastern and southern parts of the country. While this is an impressive accomplishment, it only represents about 10% of the territory taken by Russia since February.

The Ukrainian leader is still asking for more international aid to continue the fight. Moreover, he blames some countries for failing to punish Russia adequately for what it is doing in Ukraine.

For the former actor and comedian, the lack of real pressure from the rest of the world allowed Russia to advance its agenda in a costly way for Ukraine.

Zelensky thinks Russia should be recognized as a state sponsor of terrorism. Moreover, he does not believe that Russians should be given visas to travel for leisure while their government is pushing war.

Russia maintains that it will succeed

The Kremlin is clear that Putin knows what is happening on the ground in Ukraine. While Russian troops have fled some villages in Kharkiv, Moscow is staying the course and working on a more aggressive response.

Moreover, some independent observers say that Ukraine has made some advances, but talks about a Russian retreat are premature. Moscow claims that it will accomplish all of its goals in Ukraine.

The Russian Defense Ministry says any so-called retreat in a region of Ukraine is purely strategic. There might be some veracity to this statement because, on Sunday, Russia launched a serious offensive on Ukraine’s energy infrastructure.

The negative headlines about a retreat are bad for Putin because they expose weaknesses in the military operation. They also open the door to criticism from allies like Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov, who said on Sunday that Russian troops made mistakes in Ukraine.

Some elected officials in Russia are also calling on Putin to resign.

US official welcomes Ukrainian gains

The Biden administration has poured a lot of resources into Ukraine. It is hoped that the country will prevail in the war against Russia.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken says while he is encouraged by the Ukrainian gains in the northeast, it is still very early.

Blinken has avoided making an assessment about what is coming next in the battle between the two countries. A Ukrainian victory over Russia would be a big win for the Western Alliance, but also for US President Joe Biden.

Many agree that he got most things right regarding the Russian invasion.

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