July 22, 2021


The United Kingdom made a heavy demand to the European Union on Wednesday. The British parliament declared the European Union must rewrite a former deal that was made to handle the post-Brexit trade with Northern Ireland.

It was agreed to by the EU approximately one year ago. Brussels immediately rejected Britain’s demands, claiming that they have no right to make the mandate.

Details of the Brexit Deal

The EU settled the Brexit deal, and it aligned with the desired settlement. Prime Minister Boris Johnson agreed to it, so this demand on Wednesday was out of nowhere. The agreement was the official removal of Britain from the European Union four years after British voters supported the transition.

Northern Ireland’s economy is struggling on its own. The COVID-19 pandemic has caused enough trouble for businesses, and this deal has not helped. Numerous business owners in Ireland support the British.

Nevertheless, the relationship created from the Brexit deal has caused weak ties between Britain and Northern Ireland. Protests and riots have been frequent throughout the world in the past year.

Northern Ireland has been no stranger to these demonstrations. There are fears that violence will plague the nation again. There are pleas from Northern Ireland to return to a relationship with the United Kingdom.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson supports this consideration, and this is why he is asking the EU to change elements of the deal.

Wednesday’s Plea

Brexit Minister David Frost told the British parliament, “We cannot go on as we are.” Although, the EU says that Frost’s hope will not come to fruition throughout the bloc.

European Commission Vice President Maros Sefcovic jumped at Frost’s plea, stating that the protocol could not be reversed. It was part of the deal that was negotiated between Johnson and Frost. Many people did not support the deal.

Lawmakers in the EU predicted that this would be an issue between the EU, UK, and Northern Ireland.

Sefcovic went onto say, “We will not agree to a renegotiation of the protocol. Respecting international legal obligations is of paramount importance.”

The part of the deal that Johnson and Frost wanted to restructure addresses the main problem with the divorce between the two nations. They need to figure out how to maintain an open border but not allow the EU’s 450 million people easy access to either country.

The EU has cut ties, and they do not want to consume either group again. The Brexit deal involved the EU, so Britain and Northern Ireland cannot negotiate without involving the bloc.

The deal requires checks on goods traveling between the UK and Northern Ireland. This checkpoint is part of an EU customs area to check goods coming from the other portions of Europe. The lack of open borders has strained businesses in Northern Europe, causing economic tension.

The British Parliament is to blame because they signed the Brexit deal in December 2020. However, Frost has said the agreement is not working as expected, and it needs to be adjusted. The issue is that the European Commission is not going to give the two parties this luxury.

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