Taliban government persecuted over “summary killings”

December 6, 2021

Taliban government persecuted over “summary killings”

The United States, Europe, and twenty other countries have come out forcefully to condemn Afghanistan’s Taliban government over the alleged “summary killings.” The Taliban forces have denied the claims.

International community blasts “summary killings” of former soldiers and police

The western world is united and has accused the Taliban government in Afghanistan of turning its back on promises that were made when it came to power in August after winning a war that had lasted decades.

The 22 countries behind the statement want the Taliban government not to hurt former officials who stood in the way of the current regime.

According to the statement, the west is deeply concerned over the situation in the South Asian country when it comes to human rights.

The statement has called for a full investigation of extrajudicial killings and enforced disappearances. The 22 nations have said that moving forward; they will be monitoring the developments on this matter.

Report from Human Rights Watch links Taliban government to executions and abductions

Taliban forces had promised to change their ways in comparison to the last time they were in power in the 1990s. Their previous reign included public stoning and no access to education for young women.

The Taliban government had also made it clear that there would be a form of amnesty for people who were previously members of the Afghanistan security forces.

However, a Human Rights Watch (HRW) report that was released on Tuesday has shed light on the summary killings of 47 former members of the Afghan National Security Forces.

The shocking report also documented the executions and abductions of at least 100 ex-government officials.

HRW claims those acts took place between August 15 and October 31. Some of the findings from the report were backed by news organizations.

An Amnesty International report from August blamed the Taliban forces for the death of nine former soldiers near Dahani Qul village.

Taliban government denies findings from report

In response to the statement from the 22 countries, the Taliban government has denied all the allegations from the report. It says that it is open to an independent investigation in the cases that were brought forward.

The Taliban government is also asking for evidence and is ready to work with the international community.

It seems that the government does not want to allow this report to derail its public relations campaign to paint a different image of the Taliban leadership.

It appears that former Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai is part of those selling this new version of the Taliban government to the international community.

In a new interview with BBC, Karzai called the Taliban fighters his “brothers.” He has also urged the US and the rest of the international community not to turn their backs on Afghanistan.

He wants the west to invest in the country for a better future. He has said that he has had meetings with the new leaders in order to push for a more inclusive government.

Karzai even said that young girls would soon be allowed to get an education. Time will tell if the ex-leader is too optimistic about those in power today in Afghanistan.

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