November 16, 2020

manual vote count

Manual Vote Count: Let us make it perfectly clear! The manual vote count that began Friday in the Southern State of Georgia is not the direct result of any lawsuit or vote validity complaints, rather the outcome of a more “natural” process that can occur whenever there is a super tiny margin in ballot count for presidential elections, as is the case of the small 0.58% difference in votes between Biden and Trump in the “peach” state from this last POTUS race.

Starting by 9 am ET on Sept. 13th, all 159 Georgia counties kicked off a hand recount of all the submitted presidential ballots. Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger requested the audit in order to validate the official figures produced by the vote machines employed in the last election process, which have come under scrutiny and criticism in the last days due to alleged errors in the processing of the ballots in Georgia and other states.

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Manual Vote Count: A Meaningless Tally?

The manual vote tally was requested by Raffensperger early on Wednesday, shortly after the Georgia state official was forced to undergo a quarantine due to his own wife having recently contracted the infamous Covid-19 virus.  The election officials have -officially- until next Wednesday evening (11:59 pm ET) to complete the audit and confirm the validity of the original tally, however, how “legitimate” will this recount process ultimately be?

The actual manual vote-count situation poses a strange conundrum to both political observers and legality experts: According to Georgia’s state regulations -which might have more to do with pandemic regulations than anything else- onlookers will only be able to stands 6 feet away from the closest election official’s desk, thus, making the “visual” verification process something of an impossibility. Added to that, and, according to US President Donald Trump, the fact that signature matching will not be part of the QA procedures involved in the query makes the entire recount ordeal a useless affair, as he himself stated on Friday via his personal Twitter account:

From Twitter (@RealDonaldTrump):

Georgia Secretary of State, a so-called Republican (RINO), won’t let the people checking the ballots see the signatures for fraud, Why? Without this the whole process is very unfair and close to meaningless. Everyone knows that we won the state.” 

Georgia state officials have until November 20th to finally issue a certification on the winner of the local presidential race.

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