May 10, 2021


In a new round of fighting in Jerusalem on Monday, more than 300 Palestinians and several police officers were injured.

Israeli police used stun grenades, rubber-coated bullets, and water cannons in clashes focused on the Al-Aqsa Mosque complex. Which is located on what Muslims call Haram al-Sharif and Jews call the Temple Mount.

Eventually, the government cancelled the annual Jerusalem Day march through the Old City. They did so after the government forbade Jewish nationalists from marching through the city’s Palestinian neighborhoods.

The change of plans came as the Palestinian Red Crescent, police in Jerusalem were in clashes with more than 300 Palestinians. Bringing the total number of Palestinians injured in recent days to about 600.

At least seven people were critically injured and most of those was taken to the hospital for treatment.

On Monday, the Israel Defense Forces said Gaza launched a “barrage of missiles” toward southern Israel, causing panic in Jerusalem and the nearby city of Beit Shemesh. According to the IDF, an anti-tank missile launched from Gaza “lightly injured” an Israeli citizen.

Tension between Palestinians and the police

Even before Jerusalem Day, the Isareli police angered Palestinians. Nighttime skirmishes between Palestinians, police, and anti-Arab Jewish gangs have blighted the holy month of fasting and prayer; which ends this week. Palestinians have described the police behavior as an affront; while the police have stated that their intention was to maintain crowd control.

With tensions high, Israeli authorities have postponed a court hearing that could see some Palestinians forced to hand over their homes to a Jewish settler community. The settlers assert ownership rights based on a land purchase made in the 1800s in that long-running conflict.

However, during the 1948 war that followed Israel’s establishment; many Palestinians displaced the site. They have lived there for decades.

The U.S. has expressed concern about potential evictions. Since Jewish movements politically driven in order to create a majority.

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