March 6, 2021


Indian Man Charged with Beheading Teen Daughter in “Honor Killing”

Indian police took a man into custody for the honor killing of his daughter. It’s believed that he beheaded the teenage girl because he was unhappy with her current romantic relationship.

The Background on the Case

BBC News reported the story on Thursday following the criminal report being released in India. This murder is understood to be an “honor killing,” which has occurred frequently in Asian nations.

The man was named Sarvesh Kumar. He was arrested as he was walking towards the Indian police station with his daughter’s head. The murder occurred in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh.

This is a disturbing and gruesome news story for people all over India as well as the world. Kumar did confess to the crime immediately when he was taken into custody by the police. The police released a video to the media where Kumar highlighted why he took his daughter’s life.

Kumar was angered after realizing his daughter was in a romantic relationship that he disapproved of. When he learned about the relationship, he arrived at his home, and she was alone in her room. He proceeded to lock the door and decapitate her with a sharp object that has not been identified at this time.

Neighbors in the area witnessed Kumar walking down the Hardoi district in India carrying his daughter’s head and immediately reported the situation to the police. The murder occurred on Wednesday.

Kumar will be judged in court, but it’s hard to imagine that he will not receive a death punishment or life in prison.

Background on Honor Killing Crimes

Honor killing-oriented crimes are standard on the Asian continent. In India as well as Pakistan, honor crimes have been rising recently. An honor crime is when women or girls are attacked or killed for shaming the family.

The shame is determined by the head of the house, which is usually the oldest male. The crimes are common in the more undeveloped areas of India and Pakistan. The areas near the cities do not experience as many honor killings because they are more developed.

Honor killings date back to old cultural traditions. Some citizens still live by these old norms, and that’s why honor killings have not disappeared.

It’s believed that hundreds of women are killed every year because of honor murders. This statistic is hard to determ

ine because there are limited police in India’s underdeveloped areas where these killings are frequent.

The primary reason that honor killings occur with young girls is that they go against their parents’ romantic wishes. Uttar Pradesh is used to all types of violence against women. This area of the country saw more crimes committed against women than any other state in the country.

This case occurs one year after a court case for a gruesome murder occurred in India. In 2012, four men gang-raped a medical student in Delhi. They were hung in 2020 for their actions. This event led to a lot of activism for crimes against women in India.

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