May 21, 2021


The 11-day war between Israel and Hamas that caused hundreds of lives to be lost has ended because of an agreement to a cease-fire between the two sides. This news brought joy to the bystanders in the area. Israelis and Palestinians were all on alert the past two weeks, watching for surprise attacks from the adversaries.

Agreement to Cease-Fire

Israel and Hamas agreed to a cease-fire on Thursday, which ended the near two-week war that destroyed the Gaza Strip. There is doubt that the area will return to normalcy immediately, but the positive news is that the attacks have ended.

In the past 11 days, over two hundred people were killed, and almost 2,000 were wounded. Many of the casualties were women and children. The people who inhabit the Gaza Strip were delighted when the news came across the media at 2:00 AM local time.

Israelis and Palestinians in the Gaza Strip came out to their balconies crying with joy. The truce was being celebrated by all, and for the first time in 11 days, nobody was scared.

Inconclusive Ending

This was not the first time that Israel and Hamas have fought over the Gaza Strip, and it will not be the last. There have been three wars between the two groups, and they have all ended inconclusively.

Israel inflicted more destruction on Hamas, but they could not halt the Islamic group’s rocket fire. This means that Hamas has not gone away. Iran has been supplying Hamas with weapons, so the group will likely attempt to reload and try to control the Gaza Strip in the future.

This opinion could bring sadness to people in the Gaza Strip, but history tends to repeat itself, and there is still bitterness between the two sides.

The right-wing coalition in Israel believed that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu could have ended Hamas once and for all. He was criticized for stopping the operation in the Gaza Strip too quickly after picking up momentum.

This may be true, but the prime minister factored in all the lost lives throughout the past two weeks. Additionally, Hamas claimed victory, which upset Israel because this was not the case. No sides were victorious, but Israel inflicted more damage.

This victory claim from Hamas, who has sworn to destroy Israel, is another reason that the war will continue in the future in the Gaza Strip.

Netanyahu accept the cease-fire offer based on recommendations from Israel’s military leaders. In the acceptance statement, Netanyahu wrote that “The political leaders emphasized that the reality on the ground will determine the future of the campaign.”

Numbers from the Violence

Over the past 11 days, Hamas fired over 4,000 rockets into Israel. The projectiles shooted at civilian areas in populated Israeli cities. Many of the missiles flew north to Tel Aviv, which is the cultural capital of the country.

Although, more bystanders killed in Palestine than in Israel. At least 230 Palestinians killed compared to 12 people in Israel. There 1,710 people wounded in Palestine, including children, women, and Hamas’ militants.

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