April 24, 2021


The navy of Indonesia said that locating survivors from a lost Indonesian submarine is uncertain after officials reported the ship sunk.

In a press conference, Indonesian navy Chief Yudo Margono revealed debris from the submarine, including a torpedo straightener and Islamic prayer rugs.

The navy said this week that it believed the ship had sunk to a depth of 600-700 meters (2,000-2,300 feet), much lower than its failure depth of 200 meters (655 feet); where the water pressure would be too much for the hull to handle.

Indonesian military official Djawara Whimbo said that Singaporean rescue ships would arrive later Saturday; and Malaysian rescue ships would arrive Sunday boosting the underwater search.

After its last confirmed dive, the submarine lost contact on Wednesday. It was in the middle of a training session, rehearsing for torpedo exercises, when it failed to register for service.

The reason for the disappearance remains unknown. The navy said that the ship could have been unable to perform emergency resurfacing operations due to an electrical failure.

According to the Indonesian Defense Ministry, the submarine has been in service in Indonesia since 1981; and was carrying 49 crew members, three gunners, and its captain.

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