June 12, 2021


There has been a lot of activity lately throughout the world involving the Group of Seven (G7). The G7 nations include United States, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, and the United Kingdom.

The first significant event was a G7 summit with Queen Elizabeth II in Cornwall.

Lunch with the Queen

The latest G7 summit was held in Cornwall, England and Queen Elizabeth join in on the festivities. However, before the serious discussions began at the event, the Queen sliced through the celebratory cake with a massive sword.

G7 leaders were invited to lunch and a reception with the Queen before dinner at the summit. The dinner occurred at the Eden Project, which is a group of biomes. One of the biomes is the largest indoor rainforest in the world.

First Lady Jill Biden met with Catherine, the Duchess of Cambridge. Catherine will likely be the future Queen of England, so the United States needs to have a good relationship with her moving forward.

Biden and Catherine visited a school in Cornwall during the day of the reception. President Biden also made the trip and visited with the current Queen. This event marked the first time that the Royal Family has met President Biden in person.

The main topic discussed at the G7 summit was the COVID-19 pandemic. Prince Charles was one of many Royals who spoke at the event.

He said, “The fight against this terrible pandemic provides if ever one was needed, a crystal-clear example of the scale, and sheer speed, at which the global community can tackle crises when we combine political will with business ingenuity and public mobilization.”

Charles went onto compare the pandemic to the ongoing issue with the environment.

“Ladies and gentlemen, we are doing it for the pandemic. So, if you don’t mind me saying so, we must also do it for the planet.”

All Eyes on the United States and Russia

Russia is not part of the G7, but an upcoming meeting between President Biden and Vladimir Putin has the entire Group of Seven intrigued. Biden is making his first global tour since becoming the president.

There have been many issues between Russia and the United States since Biden took office, making this meeting very important. The two leaders will meet on June 16th at a Swiss villa overlooking Lake Geneva.

The general topics on the agenda will cover nuclear stability and the crumbling relationship between Russia and the United States. In addition, Biden will host a private press conference after the meeting to inform the public.

A White House spokesperson gave an update on the plans for the meeting next week.

“We expect this meeting to be candid and straightforward. A solo press conference is the appropriate format to clearly communicate with the free press the topics that were raised in the meeting, both in terms of areas where we may agree and in areas where we have significant concerns.”

Biden called Putin, a killer in an interview from March. Additionally, Russia has been connected to multiple cyberattacks in the United States. Therefore, all eyes will be on the Geneva meeting this coming week.

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