French Regional Elections 2021 | A Closer Look

June 20, 2021

French Regional Elections 2021
  • On Sunday, French voters went to the polls for the French regional elections. This election is critical for the nation because it will determine if the nation’s conservative leader Marine Le Pen’s has improved her image in the past year. In addition, there is less than a year left until the next presidential election, so the regional vote will give an idea of who will win.

However, there are not high hopes for the French regional elections. Everyone expects a record low turnout in the presidential election. There will likely be a new leader of the country based on how the nation feels about President Emmanuel Macron.

2021 French Regional Elections | A Look into the Future

Le Pen and Macron will headline France’s presidential election. This is going to be a competitive race. People were fond of Macron until the COVID-19 pandemic struck the nation. Macron’s party is expected to not win any of France’s 13 regions.

This is devastating for Macron, but it’s music to Le Pen’s ears who was very critical of the president during the COVID-19 pandemic. Le Pen has utilized the tension towards Macron and rebranded her campaign.

The main problem that Le Pen dealt with during the pandemic was law and order. This was similar to the issues that President Trump dealt with during the pandemic. Trump utilized law and order, but it was rejected by Biden.

The issues spiraled out of control in France, and people wanted more structure. Le Pen is emphasizing police structure in the country. However, she is doing it in a more controlled fashion to steal voters for Macron.

French voting analyst Brice Teinturier talked to Reuters about Le Pen’s new strategy. He believes it will work in the regional elections for her party.

“She appears less extreme in the eyes of the French, less dangerous for democracy than she did a decade ago.”

Le Pen’s Rassemblement National party should dominate in the southern portion of France around Marseille and Nice. If Le Pen gained this region, she would create a ton of momentum heading into her prime campaign season.

Macron has deterred people from the far right, but this party is starting to become reputable in the nation. The COVID-19 pandemic brought this change throughout the country.

Disgust From Both Sides

Some people are not happy with the far left or right candidates in the upcoming presidential elections. This is one reason why the voter turnout for the French regional elections is expected to be a record low.
Film director Emmanuel Barraud commented about the voting situation in the country after submitting his ballot. Unfortunately, it does not appear as Barraud will return to the ballot box.

“If the choice is effectively between the Rassemblement National and the center-right, like Mr. Macron, personally I will not vote in the presidential elections. I think we must accept that the game is over, and we must start preparing for the future, and the future is reconstructing a real Leftist party.”

As of Sunday afternoon, the turnout was just 26.7% compared to 43% in 2015. Pollsters projected that 68% of people would stay home, showing that there is little support for both candidates.

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