July 16, 2021


The floods in Europe are disastrous! The floods in Germany and Belgium lately has been relentless, and the death toll is continuing to rise. Heavy rain in western Germany and Belgium, as well as other parts of western Europe, has caused over 100 deaths already.

The deaths are currently at 106 in Western Europe, with most of the deaths occurring in Germany. This tragedy has still left 125 people unaccounted for, so more deaths will likely arise from the floods in Europe.

Details of the Floods in Europe

France, Switzerland, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands were all subject to heavy rainfall. But, the hardest-hit areas of Europe are Germany and Belgium. Out of the 106 deaths, 63 occurred in Rhineland-Palatinate and 43 in North Rhine-Westphalia. Both of these areas are German states.

In Belgium, the total number of deaths is rising rapidly. It’s currently at 23, but more are likely to come.
More victims will likely be found in water drains, which is a sad but realistic expectation after the rainfall. Many emergency crews, military members, and volunteers have joined together. They are working together and searching areas throughout Germany and Belgium.

Yet, the search process has caused a variety of issues for residents through road closures and disabled phone connections.

Climate Change?

Climate change is a critical political issue throughout the world. Recently, in Canada and the northwestern portion of the United States, a heat dome killed hundreds. Many people believe that this event was indicative of climate change.

It’s hard to say that climate change directly caused this event. But, experts have stated that the rainfall was because of a lack of care for the environment.

The EU Commission, which is responsible for protecting the environment, proclaimed that the rainfall was a clear sign of climate change. The body also declared that there is an urgent need for action to prevent these issues from occurring again.

The EU Commission has established emergency regulations to protect people throughout the continent. There are no positives when over 100 people die from a natural disaster. Nevertheless, the positive for the commission is that they can use this event to implement climate change policies throughout the country.
The Dutch government has declared the event a national emergency. It is no surprise following the deaths and problems throughout the nation. He stated that the southern province of Limburg is the area that suffered the most flooding.

Limburg is between western Germany and Belgium, and it was in the direct eye of the storm. Thousands have been evacuated in the area, and people were told to leave their properties before the storm struck the area.
The damage is likely to cost billions of euros. Obviously, that is not good, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic. The hospitality industry is still not open in many portions of the EU. This is a sector of the economy that the pandemic greatly affected.

Following this rainstorm, it has taken a more substantial hit which may be irrecoverable. Nearly every portion of Germany and Belgium is underwater. This will not be an easy hurdle to overcome because of the hefty cost.

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