July 12, 2021


Cuban protests have existed in the past, but the current disputes in the streets can rival countless moments throughout the nation’s history. Cuban citizens are angry with the government for a variety of reasons.

These demonstrations in the streets have turned deadly. The protestors have been filing the streets throughout the island screaming, “Down with the dictatorship!”

The combination of the collapse of the economy and the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic has caused people to turn on the government very quickly. Havana has experienced the most violence, but there have been zones throughout the nation where violence has occurred.

Cubans are Unhappy

Social media has been flooded with violent clips of security forces beating up Cuban protestors. The protestors have been in the streets for months protesting the handling of the pandemic and the economy.

However, riots have ensued at a rapid rate lately, which has caused the Cuban government to fight back. If you were to visit Cuba, it would look more like a war between leaders and citizens rather than peaceful protests.

On Sunday, Cuba reported 7,000 new infections and 47 deaths. COVID-19 has caused the state-controlled economy to decrease by 11%. This was the greatest shrinkage in the past three years. The pandemic combined with United States trade sanctions resulted in the decline.

In response, Cuba attempted to increase taxes which did not sit well with the public. Some people support the government, so this has been a center of tension between citizens in the streets.

President Miguel Díaz-Canel has blamed the United States for trying to create violence in the nation. He claimed that mercenaries hired by the United States had caused the violent outbreaks.

He said, “The order to fight has been given – into the street, revolutionaries!” This is not true, and the White House has denied all accusations. Although, the Biden Administration has supported the protestors claiming that the government does not have their best interest.

Biden said, “The Cuban people are bravely asserting fundamental and universal rights.”

Details of the Cuban Protests

The rallies against the government began in the San Antonio de Los Banos, located southwest of Havana. Havana has been the center of violence, but other parts of the nation have rivaled the protests in the capital.

The consensus throughout the nation is that enough is enough for the current regime. One resident, who remained unnamed, told BBC, “This is the day. We can’t take it anymore. There is no food, and there is no medicine, there is no freedom. They do not let us live. We are already tired.”

Social media showed the wreckage in the nation. Police cars were flipped, and state rune businesses were looted. Many Cubans have been unable to afford groceries because of the high prices.

The growing anger in the streets has a common theme that the people no longer want to live under communist rule. People are risking their lives by stating phrases like “Down with Communism,” which shows that the pandemic and economy have pushed the nation over the edge.

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