April 24, 2021


Jerusalem clashes intensify on Saturday. The air strikes that Isarel launched on the Gaza Strip late Friday, in response to missile attacks by Palestinian rebels, provoked the worst round of cross-border fighting in months.

Hundreds of Palestinians clashed with Israeli police in east Jerusalem; resulting in the injuries of at least four police officers and six protesters.

During the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, fights have been a nightly phenomenon. Al least, 36 rockets were launched from Gaza during the night, according to Israel’s military.

According to the military, Israeli aircraft damaged Hamas rocket launchers and underground installations in response.

The pre-dawn exchange of fire on the Israel-Gaza border, broke months of relative calm. However it did not seem to signify a broader escalation.

The Israeli military confirmed that Israelis living near the border are not subject to any safety restrictions.

Inside Jerusalem

The Israeli-Palestinian crisis centers around Jerusalem. Israel claims the entire city as its capital, including the eastern part, which it won in a 1967 battle.

Indeed, Palestinians want East Jerusalem to serve as the capital of a potential Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

Palestinians threw stones at police, who responded with water cannons, meanwhile others threw bricks and broke surveillance cameras at an Israeli court.

Palestinians claim that police installed metal barriers in the amphitheater plaza outside the Old City’s Damascus Gate to prevent them from conducting their daily Ramadan evening gatherings after prayers.

The historic site on the Old City’s north side is next to many Palestinian communities.

Palestinians fought with Israeli forces near military posts in the West Bank. Hundreds of people hurling stones and firebombs were scattered, according to Israel’s border police.

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