January 12, 2021


Political News – Police Officer Dies After Clashes with Capitol Mob

A few days after the Capitol Attack by a pro-Trump mob, the death count continues to rise. With the passing of Capitol Police officer Brian D. Sicknick, the death toll now stands at five. While the news are awash with headlines about how to proceed with the final two weeks of the Trump presidency; it is easy to forget about the individuals who lost their lives during the Wednesday attack.

A spokeswoman for the Capitol revealed that officer Sicnick had been injured while engaging with protestors on Wednesday; but it was until after he had returned to his division office that he collapsed.

The officer was taken to a local hospital at around 9:30 on Wednesday night; with news of his passing arriving on Thursday.

Officer Sicknick became a member of the Capitol Police back in 2008; and as most recently a part of the first responder unit. His own police force, as well as the Washington Metropolitan Police Department, will be investigating his death.

Further Fallout from The Capitol Attack

Sicnick is now the first person to have passed after the assault on the Capitol. An unknown woman was shot and killed in the building itself; while three others passed from medical emergencies sustained during the riots.

The woman killed by gunfire was an Air Force veteran and not much is known about the other people who lost their lives.

Capitol Police were seriously outnumbered in the attack, an issue that quickly became clear once crowds began to break down barricades. Questions have been asked about why there were so few officers on duty.

Especially in light of the show of force on the Capitol steps earlier in the year during a Black Lives Matter protest.

Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund took the blame for the lack of a police presence; and has since submitted his resignation. Which will come into effect on Jan. 16, four days before the inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden.

Security in Washington, and particularly around the Capitol has tightened dramatically and will stay that way through Jan. 20 and potentially beyond.

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