California Governor Newsom won the election recall

September 15, 2021

California Gov Newsom won the election recall

California Governor Newsom averted away the effort to remove him from the office as all the polls are officially closed for voters now and results are tallied.

People of California decided on September 14, not to recall their governor Gavin Newsom from the office and voted for “no” on the ballot.

These were the unusual recall election as compared to the previous election that happened back in 2002 to recall Governor Gray Davis (D) who was replaced by Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Recall election results registered voters were asked to choose from “yes” or “no” for if they want to recall Newsom. And if they go for “yes” then they were made to choose the candidate whom they want in replacement. There were 46 candidates who came forward to replace the governor Newsom.

Polls in California were officially closed right after less than half of an hour when polls closed, more than 58% of the votes tallied and as counting of votes begin, “no” side on the ballot was leading.

Democrats came up with 47% of registered votes and republicans came up with 24% of the registered votes. Less than half of the voters for each party returned their ballots. It is reported that 9.7 million ballots out of 22.2 million which is 44% were returned by the election day.

Larry Elder who is the host of a conservative talk show got the most support on Question no. 2. Elder received 2,373,551 votes which are 46.9% as compared to the other candidates. He could be selected as the next governor if Newsom was recalled.

Majority of the residents of 25 counties across California voted in the favor of recall. Some of them were Sierra, Butte, Kings, Tehama, Modoc etc.

3,297,145 votes were those who selected “yes” and 5,840,283 votes were those who went for “no” on ballot paper,

Why was Gov. Newsom called for Recall election?

Newsom became the governor of golden state in 2018 and was leading as high flies party but then covid-19 happened and the state had some hard time in economical affairs. People were not satisfied about the pandemic restrictions he made to control the spread of virus. Also, he once violated the restrictions himself when he was seen in a party without wearing a mask.

These reasons along with the other long run issues like economic crisis, climate change and wildlife crisis were enough for the people of California to start the petition to get signs for the Newsom recall and succeeded to get approximately 1.5 million signatures on the petition.

Gov. Newsom thanked the Californians at a news conference and said: “We said yes to science. we said yes to vaccines. We said yes to end this pandemic. We said yes to people’s right to vote without fears”

How Larry Elder respond to the defeat, on Tuesday night Elder said: “let’s be gracious in defeat, we may lose the battle but we would win the war”.

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