February 11, 2021


President Biden is making political news by announcing a boost in vaccine deliveries; will be ramped up in the next three weeks in what he described as a “wartime effort;” the approval of a pair of different vaccines late last year led many American citizens to believe that we might be on the brink of getting over the worst of the coronavirus pandemic. Instead; many states are claiming shortages that are making it nearly impossible to tackle the problem head on

If the boost in vaccine deliveries goes as planned; it is estimated that roughly 300 million Americans will have access to the vaccine by the end of summer or the early part of fall. In order to help make all of this happen; the government is looking to purchase 100 million units of each of the two available vaccines; which could potentially go a long way towards addressing the shortages in many states.

It has been a frustrating time for the facilities tasked with getting the vaccine out to the people; with some vaccination sites forced to cancel existing appointments due to shortages. It is a situation that Biden has deemed as unacceptable; with a 16% boost in deliveries expected to happen over the course of the next three weeks.

Besides the vaccines deliveries already on offer from Pfizer and Moderna

Federal scientists are also looking at a single-shot vaccine that is being produced by Johnson and Johnson. If that vaccine also gets approval; then that may further help plug the holes that some states are seeing in deliveries of the vaccine. Emergency approval of the new vaccine deliveries may still be a few weeks away, though.

Word out of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is that 10.1 million double-shot vaccines will be made available next week; which is a substantial rise over the 8.6 million does that went out this week. While the boost will certainly be welcomed by vaccination sites who are facing shortages; there was not official word on how long the boost could be sustained.

With the number of positive cases and the death toll continuing to rise; Biden has promised that the government will be more open about how and when the vaccines are being distributed. That is political news that is sure to be positive for health officials who have issues about the current state of affairs.

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