April 10, 2021


Here’s a brief update on Biden Politics and how the second amendment can be in jeopardy.

President Biden signed six new executive orders on Thursday intending to limit gun violence in the United States. He also named a new leader of The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, who has a reputation of limiting gun usage in the past.

Biden called the gun problem in America “epidemic and an international embarrassment.” Following Biden’s announcement, many gun owners and American citizens have questioned what these executive orders will do to the 2nd Amendment.

Biden Politics: Defense Against the Executive Orders

The 2nd Amendment gives Americans the right to bear arms. President Biden believes there is a gun problem in the United States, but this idea has been challenged since Thursday. When gun violence is observed, the number of people who die for every 100,000 people by firearms is .00396%.

When the gun statistics are viewed even closer, most of the violence occurs in a few major cities in the country. For these reasons, President has drawn a lot of scrutiny for his executive orders, which will make it much harder for citizens to buy firearms.

The Executive Orders

President Biden’s executive orders came on the same day as a deadly shooting in South Carolina. A former professional football player killed five people, including a nine and five-year-old child.

People are preparing to combat Biden’s new laws by making DIY guns and selling them in legal packages. However, the President is focused on ending this practice that has been recently arising. One of his executive orders has been established to end this practice.

One of the foundations that President Biden ran on was strict gun control. He has not achieved this goal with the executive orders, but he is definitely making progress towards weakening the 2nd Amendment to the United States Constitution.

What is Holding Biden Back?

President Biden enacted the six-gun control executive orders, but these are warning signals of what could happen in the future. Background checks are stricter, which will make it slightly more strenuous to buy a gun, but it will be hard for Democrats to establish significant changes with a split Congress.

Republicans seem unified on the issue of keeping gun laws open in the United States. Therefore, no extreme legislation will be able to push through the government.

Biden’s main goal with the executive orders is to limit citizens’ ability to build their own guns. It’s legal to craft your own firearm, and there is no background check needed to buy necessary pieces sold by people with metal cutters.

Biden also wants to tax people for owning more lethal firearms. For example, a pistol with a stabilizing brace will be tougher to attain and require a $200 tax.

The New ATF Leader

In correspondence with the executive orders, Biden also named David Chipman the new head of the ATF. Chipman served as a federal agent for the ATF for 25 years. His past resume has proven that he is against high-powered firearms.

Chipman seems like he will be a perfect fit for Biden’s proposed agenda.

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