Biden administration to deport Haitian migrants

September 19, 2021

Biden administration plans deportation Haitian migrants

Biden deports Haitian migrants, a dire situation at the southern border is forcing President Joe Biden and his team to take a more aggressive approach to the migrant crisis and illegal border crossings overall.

Biden administration plans deportation of Haitian migrants in Del Rio, Texas

The Biden administration will start a mass deportation campaign of Haitian migrants on Sunday. The Department of Homeland Security is trying to respond to a surge in border crossings in Texas.

Over 14,000 Haitian migrants are trapped in vexing conditions under a bridge in Del Rio, Texas, waiting for their asylum claims to be processed.

Officials in the area are overwhelmed by the sheer number of migrants arriving at the border to pursue a better life. The number is expected to grow in the upcoming days.

The administration hopes that harsh measures will discourage more Haitian nationals and others from taking the difficult journey to America’s southern border.

The mass deportation is expected to begin with three flights on Sunday, carrying Haitians back to their country’s capital of Port -Au-Prince. By Monday, the administration plans to have four daily flights to send primarily individuals back to their homeland.

There is some confusion about how the Biden administration will handle the numerous families waiting at the border for their cases to be heard.

Haitian migrants are fleeing a country in crisis

Haiti is a country in turmoil. In July, the country’s president, the late Jovenel Moïse, was assassinated inside his own home in the capital.

The assassination came after years of protests, gang violence, and abysmal economic prospects.

In August, the southern part of the Caribbean nation was devastated by a powerful earthquake that killed thousands.

The first Black country to free itself from slavery was never genuinely sovereign and quickly became a fertile ground for dictators and international intrigue.

The situation in Haiti has pushed its citizens to flee, but a Biden administration,

caught between compassion and the need to have a secure border, is now telling

them that an arduous trip to the United States is not the answer to their problems.

Republicans plan to use border crisis and immigration against Biden in 2022

Activists and some members of the Democratic Party believe this is the wrong approach. However, Republicans blame President Biden for making things worse when he ran on a kinder approach to immigration than his predecessor, former President Donald Trump.

While border crossings have been a problem for previous administrations, Trump included, record levels have been reached this year.

Mr. Biden pushed early in his presidency for comprehensive immigration that he said would address the problem. However, the bill has received no Republican support in a divided Congress.

Moreover, the Republican opposition is emboldened and feels that the crisis at the border could make immigration a very potent campaign issue for the 2022 midterms.

Recent polls show they might have a point because Biden receives negative ratings for his handling of immigration and the southern border.

While politicians on both sides continue to play the blame game, the last big piece of legislation to address immigration reform in the U.S. was in 1985, 36 years ago, under President Ronald Reagan.

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