May 5, 2021


Hackers from the “Anonymous Colombia” group claim to have taken down many government websites and leaked data from the National Army and the Senate.

“#Anonymous Colombia withdraws the official page of the Colombian National Army in rejection of the murders and harassment presented during the national strike against the tax reform presented by the government of Iván Duque.” the group indicated on its Twitter account.

Anonymous has been announcing cyber attacks and leaks since Tuesday morning in what they say is their way of showing support for the national strike. The group previously released the email addresses and passwords of 168 Colombian Armed Forces members.

They had also carried out cyber attacks on the Senate and National Army, leaking over 160 emails, Names, and passwords. Anonymous accused the National Army of creating “panic by scaring that the guerrillas kill, when they are the same military assassinating and massacring their people”.

“We returned to Colombia because of the injustices generated, it is true that we disappear, but when they need us we return and here we are,” they said.

In addition, they added: “All we want is justice, no one defends the citizens, the Armed Forces hurt them or they kill them. The world needs to be a better place, killing innocents is not the solution ”.


The hacking attacks were a response to the crackdown on anti-tax hike protesters. Colombian President Ivan Duque, asked Congress to withdraw the draft tax reform and urgently consider a new one.

Over a dozen people, including one police officer, have died as a result of the demonstrations. More than 430 arrests and over 800 injuries have been confirmed by the Ministry of Defense; involving both law enforcement and protesters.

Colombian workers went on strike and held public protests on Wednesday; protesting the so-called Sustainable Solidarity Law, a tax reform bill introduced earlier this month. The proposed law, according to trade unions, would force at least 1.5 million employees to pay new taxes.

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