May 8, 2021


Chinese shops have been accused of foul play with animals in the past, and the allegations are continuing. Shopping sites in China are being charged with animal cruelty in recently discovered mystery boxes.

Firstly, the shops have been shipping boxes to customers with live kittens and puppies on the inside. The boxes had to be tightly sealed for shipping, which has caused many puppies and kittens to suffocate. The animals that do not die in these mystery boxes are permanently damaged from the shipping because of lack of oxygen.

This developing story has outraged people in China and animal rights groups all over the world.

The Rescue Effort

Countless organizations in China attempt to fight animal cruelty every day, but their efforts often go unnoticed. Chengdu Love Home Animal Rescue Center was the organization that exposed the latest mystery box scandal. Chengdu Love Home Animal Rescue Center took to Weibo to share that they found 160 boxes containing live dogs and cats.

The crates were discovered in the back of a delivery truck in Chengdu. The purring kittens and barking dogs were crying out in agony. Therefore, officials had to search the back of the vehicle. When the boxes were removed and opened, puppies and kittens were seen fighting for space because they were tightly packed in the crates.

Above all, there was no food or water anywhere to be found in the back of the truck for the animals, which made this scandal more alarming.

Updates from Chengdu Love Home Animal Rescue Center

The rescue occurred this past week, and new updates have been happening every day. The incident sparked concern for the animal’s safety and the continuation of this illegal act. Chengdu Love Home Animal Rescue Center has posted hundreds of updates this week about their discoveries.

Be that as it may, the main thing that the rescue center was doing this week after breaking down the crates was salvaging the animals. Workers immediately started cleaning and feeding hundreds of scared baby animals. After the rescue center finished stabilizing the puppies and kittens, they were sent to animal hospitals in the area for serious medical attention.

Animal Cruelty – How Did This Happen?

The crates were disguised and covered so the animals would not be exposed. In addition to that, three animals were stuffed in every package that was the size of a shopping basket. Shipping live animals in the manner that the people did is illegal in the country.

However, they were being shipped to Chinese cities, but the journey was still deadly because of the illegal methods. It has been confirmed that four animals have died from the treatment. The animals have been screaming for weeks in the area where the packaging was occurring, so it’s good that the practice is being terminated.

Chengdu Love Home Animal Rescue Center has called for these shipping boxes to be illegal. They are called blind boxes, and it’s a practice used by illegal e-commerce companies worldwide. Not to mention that kittens and puppies are not the only animals who are shipped through this method. They skip all kinds of live animals illegally every day. As can be seen, the police are not spending their time investigating the practice.

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