April 19, 2021

Alexei Navalny

Alexei Navalny could die at any moment inside the Russian prison of Pokrov. The opposition leader to Vladimir Putin, has been on a hunger strike since March 31, which will ultimately cost him his life.

Navalny is loved for all resistance supporters, so these went furious when they found out there was an attempted murder on their leader.

It’s believed that Putin organized the hit on Navalny, but this is unconfirmed.

Navalny, who recovered in Germany, was in a coma for months. He survived and returned to the country to try to take down the Kremlin.

Even so, Navalny was captured immediatly when he expressed that he was returning to the country to dethrone Putin. This action caused disturbance throughout the country.

Politicians Say Alexei Navalny’s Health is Putin’s Responsibility

Eleven politicians wrote a letter to President Putin saying that aleNavalny is his personal responsibility. They expressed that he cannot let him die in jail, but considering Navalny’s condition it´s not easier to avoid.

Navalny went on a hunger strike because he claimed that he wasn´t receiving proper medical attention in Pokrov´s penal. This has drawn attention to Russia’s abusive prison system, causing indignation around the country

Navalny wants to be examined by his doctor, but Putin will not allow any outside personnel into the prison.

His doctors have received his medical tests, and they believe that Navalny is at risk of death at any moment. Tests are showing that his body is shutting down.

The hunger strike has caused Navalny’s risk of renal issues and heart problems to skyrocket.

The letter from the eleven politicians including this demanding statement. “You, the President of the Russian Federation, personally bear responsibility for the life of Alexei Navalny on the territory of the Russian Federation, including in prison facilities – [you bear this responsibility] to Navalny himself, to his relatives, and to the whole world.”

Escalating Protests

Since Navalny was jailed, the protests have increased but thanks to that all the attention has fallen on him. His allies have called for protests all over Russia to bring awareness to his unfair treatment.

Also, the United States has expressed their opinion, telling Putin that he should give Navalny what he desires.

According to National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan, President Biden is considering punishing Russia if Navalny dies in prison.

The European Union has released similar statements saying that Putin should give Navalny access to the healthcare he desires.

According to The Kremlin, Navalny won´t to die in prison. Even so, it appears that the opposition leader could pass away any day with his body rapidly decreasing.

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